•  News
    • Breaking news: remote work possible during quarantine (3)
      The latest amendment to the anti-crisis shield will contain a clear provision on the possibility of remote work by employees who have been subject to mandatory quarantine by the decision of the Sanepid. The provisions in this regard are made more precise by the amendment to the anti-crisis shield signed by the President of the Republic of Poland. At the time of publishing the issue, the act was waiting to be published in the Journal of Laws.
    • COVID-19 will not be a separate item on the list of occupational diseases (4)
      Practically from the beginning of the outbreak, healthcare professionals have been demanding that COVID-19 be included in the list of occupational diseases. On this matter, the parliamentary interpellation was submitted by MP Henryka Krzywonos-Strycharska. We received a reply from the Ministry of Labor. When can COVID-19 be considered an occupational disease?
    • Recipes with a comment Work accident witness, i.e. Who (5)
      The provisions of the accident act do not define the concept of a witness, and as you know, it is the duty of the accident team to collect information about the accident from the witnesses of the accident. The post-accident team may therefore have reasonable doubts and problems with the proper fulfillment of the obligations related to collecting information. The case is important because in the case of events classified as serious, collective or fatal accidents, the post-accident procedure will be verified by the labor inspector.
    • COVID-19 and OHS COVID-19 prevention as part of OSH training (6)
      Occupational health and safety training should ensure that participants are familiarized with the factors of the working environment that may pose a threat to the safety and health of employees at work, and with appropriate preventive measures and actions. the above rule resulting from the regulation on OSH training means that OSH training must take into account the new threat, which is coronavirus, and the prevention adopted in the facility.
    • Coronavirus infected worker. How to Avoid Damage Claims (7)
      Each workplace should document its activities in relation to counteracting the spread of COVID-19. An employee infected with the coronavirus is suffering damage and may demand that it be fixed. What can be done to avoid employee claims?
  • The subject of the issue
    • Working conditions in a cold microclimate (8)
      We had the last severe winter at the turn of 2012 and 2013. Several relatively mild seasons are behind us. Most of it was accompanied by the sun and no freezing temperatures. Meteo-agriologists predict, however, that the next frost is only a matter of time, but it is difficult to say exactly when they will appear. Nevertheless, the winter season is work in a cold microclimate. Performing work in such conditions is associated with many health and even life threats. It is therefore important to provide employees with the necessary knowledge about the impact of the microclimate on the human body, work-related hazards and ways to protect against them.
  • Health and safety service - 22 tasks
    • Control of working conditions - the first and strategic task of the OHS service (12)
      Both the tasks of the OHS service as a separate organizational unit, as well as of employees performing the tasks of the OHS service must correspond to the scope of duties resulting from the regulation on the OHS service. The regulations contain a catalog of tasks that is structured taking into account the specific weight of individual duties. The key one is the review of working conditions - with particular emphasis on certain groups of employees. With this article, we start the cycle on the health and safety service, in which we will discuss its tasks in detail.
    • Court case law Dissatisfaction with reinstatement is not yet mobbing (13)
      Not every action of the employer unfavorable for the employee is an action aimed at denying his / her membership in the team. Mobbing is also not determined by the conflict between the parties or by the manifestation of dissatisfaction with the verdict of the labor court (reinstating the employee to work). What does this mean in practice?
  • Accidents at work
    • Accident analysis - a group light accident of three locksmiths (14)
      The article presents an analysis of a collective accident at work which occurred as a result of ignition of propane gas during the work of chamfering the edges of steel plates with the IMP P019 gas pruner (equipped with a machine burner powered by oxygen and propane). 3 employees of the plant suffered thermal burns of the head, neck, 1st and 2nd degree and bodily injuries. What were the causes of the accident in the opinion of the labor inspector?
    • Who draws up the contractor's accident report in the event of a fatal accident (15)
    • An employee of the OHS service had an accident. Who in the accident team (16)
      The ordinance on determining the circumstances and causes of accidents at work does not provide for a situation where the injured party is the only OHS service employee in the plant. Under the old rule of law, you cannot be a judge in your own case.
    • Who is responsible for the accident at the construction site: employer or external company (16)
      Responsibility for safety and for a possible accident at work rests with the employer. However, the employer may have claims against the company building the wall.
  • Risk assessment
    • Risk assessment for the contractor. Is necessary (17)
      During the preparation of the occupational risk assessment in the workplace, you may encounter a situation in which the work is performed by the contractor. Doubts then arise as to whether the principal concluding a contract of mandate is required to prepare a professional risk assessment for the contractor as well as for an employee employed under an employment contract. What to do in this situation? OHS training - Experts answer
    • As an employee of the OHS service, can I conduct OHS training for the boss (18)
      An employee of the health and safety at work service may not provide periodic health and safety training for employers as part of their tasks.
    • Which training group should the lab technician include (18)
      Laboratories, like doctors, nurses, teachers, belong to the group of administrative and office workers and other workers exposed to harmful or nuisance factors.
    • Who can conduct training for employees operating sewerage networks (19)
      The scope of training and the necessary qualifications depends on the scope of work performed by a person holding the position of an employee servicing sewage networks.
  • Working conditions
    • The epidemic does not release from the obligation to cooperate with occupational medicine (20)
      The time of the COVID-19 epidemic is a special period for employers in the context of challenges in the field of work safety. It is also a hard time for the occupational medicine service. It should be borne in mind that the suspension of obligations related to sending employees to periodic preventive examinations does not release employers from other obligations related to cooperation with the occupational medicine service in the scope referred to in the act regulating its functioning.
  • Questions and Answers
    • Is it possible to manually transport a load over 500 kg (21)
      The solution proposed in the question does not change the applicable norm regarding the permissible weight of the load moved on a trolley on flat terrain with a hard and smooth surface.
    • Is the teacher entitled to 100% benefit after coronavirus infection (22)
      No. The monthly sickness benefit is 100% of the calculation basis only in certain situations.
    • How to develop an OSH manual for an ozone generator (22)
      It is obligatory to develop workplace health and safety instructions based on the generator manual. It is also worth developing a procedure to be followed and an occupational risk assessment.
  • Safety instructions
    • Exemplary health and safety instruction for the operation of the ozonator (23)
    • Poster (24)

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