• Council on the inspection budget and OSH training system (3)
    In the position adopted at the meeting on November 19, 2019 in the Parliament, the Labor Protection Council was in favor of the Parliament adopting the draft budget of the National Labor Inspectorate for 2020. This is necessary for the implementation of the tasks planned by the National Labor Inspectorate.
  • News not only from country (5)
  • Chief Labor Inspector awards (8)
    At the Royal Castle in Warsaw on November 26, 2019, the ceremony of presenting the Award of Halina Krahelska and the awards of the 26th edition of the "Employer - organizer of safe work" competition. The Chief Labor Inspector's awards were also given in the "Most Active Social Labor Inspector" competition.
  • Employer - organizer of safe work (10)
  • Decorations for employees of the National Labor Inspectorate (15)
  • Temporary worker in construction (16)
    The significant development of the construction sector means that cumulative threats are associated not only with work safety, but above all resulting from the lack of hands to work. Employees who are not prepared to perform a given job or do not have the appropriate permissions are often accepted.
  • Chief Labor Inspector Awards (18)
  • Accidents at work. Legality of employment - legal aspects and reality (20)
    Accidents at work of persons referred to work by an employment agency and performing work on the basis of a mandate contract is an issue that requires reviewing legal regulations in this respect.
  • Together for safety. Prevention 2019 (23)
  • OIP preventive activities in Poznań (24)
    The ceremonial presentation of the Honorary "For Merit for Labor Protection" Badges, awarding prizes and distinctions to employers participating in the 26th edition of the national competition "Employer - organizer of safe work" and in the competition for the title of "The Most Active Social Labor Inspector" were the main events during the summary preventive activity of the District Labor Inspectorate in Poznań in 2019.
  • Summary of preventive measures (25)
  • Best prize winners in Zielona Góra (26)
  • Summed up the campaign "I work legally!" (27)
    Involved staff guaranteed success - an interview with Barbara Kiełt, Regional Labor Initor in Rzeszów (28)
  • On the 100th anniversary of the National Labor Inspectorate about labor protection institutions (31)
  • Jubilee Volleyball Tournament (32)
  • Accident risk in the forest (33)
    In 2018, a record number of accidents was recorded for works related to logging and logging. Taking into account statistical data and numerous threats, it is advisable to take all actions in the field of changing the mentality, strengthening the safe behavior of employees and raising their professional awareness.

Inspektor Pracy (Labor Inspector) magazine - full list