• Posting employees in European Union law. Assessment and risks in the context of the new directive on the posting of workers (1-8)
    The article presents the current principles of posting employees based on the provisions on the coordination of social security systems. The proposed amendments to European Union regulations in this area are discussed. Assessment and threats are presented. In this assessment, the position of social partners, the competent institution and experts was taken into account.
  • Labor market instruments de jure and de facto (8-15)
    In accordance with the Act about the promotion of employment and labor market institutions, the basic forms of job activation of the unemployed are services and instruments of the labor market. The amendment to this Act, which came into force on 27th may 2014, significantly expanded the instrumentation of available forms of economic activation of the unemployed. The purpose of the article is to present labor market instruments and to evaluate them, indicating their numerous shortcomings. The study attempts to show the problem of ineffective spending of funds for the implementation of, among others internships, lack of state control over spending public funds allocated for new labor market instruments and presenting many labor market instruments that the unemployed do not use.
  • Analysis of the labour market on the Polish-Ukrainian border (15-23)
    The article refers to the problems of the labour market in neighboring Polish borderland areas of eastern and western Ukraine. The article contains the basic indicators of the labor market, the analysis of which allows to determine whether the border location of Polish provinces and Ukrainian regions contributes to the benefits of these regions to the benefits of functioning in the labor market. The analyzes show that, unfortunately, border provinces and districts do not (to the extent ensuring equalization to national averages) benefit from cross-border cooperation related to the improvement of the situation on the labor market.
  • From scientific research
    • Problems of forecasting the labor market in Poland, the needs and expectations of public employment services (24-32)
      The purpose of the article is to identify flaws in the existing tool for forecasting demand for labor and to identify needed changes. The observations made show that there are many disadvantages, and their elimination should consist of constant updating of data used to develop employment forecasts. Forecasts should not be developed only in the cross-section of regions, but for smaller areas, such as the poviat. Forecasts should also be prepared for professions encoded with six digits. The introduced modifications should increase the utility of the tool from the perspective of employees of public employment services. The article was prepared on the basis of the IDI and FGI research results, which were carried out in April 2018 as part of the project: System for forecasting the Polish labour market.
    • Estimates of subsistence minimum baskets and social minimum baskets for 2017 (32-35)
      The article presents the estimates of subsistence minimum and subsistence minimum on the basis of average annual prices in 2017. The minimum subsistence rate is determined by a model method of satisfying needs at a minimum level below which there is a biological threat to life. In turn, the social minimum presents the model costs of maintaining households, which are beginning to be threatened by the sphere of deprivation. Between these two extremes, there is a sphere of scarcity in various aspects.
  • Reviews
    • Keep on the surface. On the fight against poverty in five European countries in the perspective of individual agency
  • Information
    • Posting of workers in the context of the provisions on freedom of movement and coordination of social security systems. 50 years of Regulation No. 1612/68
  • “Social Policy” Diary

Polityka Społeczna (Social Policy) - full list