• Subject of the month
    • How will it affect the handling of labor law after the amendment of the Code of conduct of civil-Vanya (15)
      Act amending the Act - Code of Civil Procedure and some other law amends the rules for dealing with cases involving labor law. 7 November 2019. This will involve, among others, when the employee contests the labor court termination of the employment contract.
  • Labor law
    • What to look for when hiring people for a driver (19)
      Employment driver requires the employer to meet obo-tions resulting not only from the provisions of the Labor Code, but also with the provisions of the law on working time of drivers and some regulations of the Law on road transport. Worker employed as a driver should have relevant professional qualifications, undergo a medical examination and psychological training.
  • Remuneration
    • What salary are entitled to the employment of minors after the change of legislation (26)
      Since 1 September 2019. There has been an increase in the lowest wage rates for young workers undergoing vocational training in the form of apprenticeship. In the current legal young workers they are entitled to remuneration in the amount of 4% to 7% of the average monthly wage in the national economy in the previous quarter.

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