• New occupational exposure limit values for three substances (1)
    Approximately 120,000 people suffer from occupational cancers in the EU each year as a result of exposure to carcinogens. people, and about 80 thousand. dies. To better protect workers, the European Commission has proposed to further reduce their exposure to carcinogenic chemicals. It also presented new or updated occupational exposure limit valuesfor three substances.
  • Designation of temporary storage of waste (2)
    Is it possible to designate a temporary storage site for hazardous waste on the premises of the plant? What are the requirements for marking and securing such a place then? When is it necessary to develop a waste record sheet? Does it have to be created if the waste is in a waste temporary storage location?
  • Rules for working with ammonium nitrate (3)
    If an employee works as a warehouse keeper of fertilizers and plant protection products (mainly ammonium nitrate), should a detailed list of works performed by this employee be included in the list of particularly dangerous works? Should a list of health and safety rules be drawn up when working with fertilizers and the employee should be familiarized with it?
  • Disinfectant - is it a hazardous substance (4)
    In the era of the coronavirus epidemic, the basic product is a hand sanitizer. It should contain about 60-80% alcohol. So, should it be treated as a hazardous substance?

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