• News
    • Changes to fixed-term and probationary employment contracts (3)
      The amendment to the Labor Code adopted by the government (January 10, 2023) will affect the rules for concluding and terminating fixed-term employment contracts. The rules for concluding trial contracts will change significantly.
    • There will be changes in parental rights and employment contracts (4)
      In mid-January 2023, the government adopted a draft amendment to the Labor Code. Its purpose is to implement two EU directives: on transparent and predictable working conditions in the EU and the work life balance directive. Changes in this area were to be introduced from August 2022. However, only now the draft amendment to the Labor Code will be submitted to the parliament. What exactly changes does it anticipate?
    • High costs of employee absenteeism due to flu (5)
      Since November 2022, the incidence of influenza in Poland has been steadily increasing. The latest data from the National Institute of Public Health show that in the first week of January 2023, the number of cases was 306.6 thousand. compared to 60.8 thousand in 2022. Sickness absence is associated with costs that are borne by both the state and entrepreneurs. Can you protect yourself against them?
  • Recipes with commentary
    • Consequences of untimely payment of remuneration for work (6)
      Too late payment of salary always portends trouble. The Labor Code contains many provisions that protect employees' remuneration. They concern, among other things, the dates of payment of salaries. They may be different in each company, but the date of payment of salaries must be within the regulations of the code. Failure to pay salaries to employees on time may result in various consequences for the employer. What can be the consequences of delays in payment of remuneration for work?
  • Social Labor Inspectorate (SIP)
    • Leave issues under the supervision of a social labor inspector (8)
      Proper implementation of leave regulations at the level of the workplace is of interest to social labor inspectors. This is clearly stated in the provisions of the act and not only social labor inspectors, but also employers and employees should be aware of it.
  • Subject of the number
    • The procedure for testing the sobriety of employees after the amendment of the Labor Code (10)
      The latest amendment to the Labor Code gives the employer the right to conduct sobriety checks on employees. After all, an intoxicated employee is a source of danger. What exactly should such a procedure include?
  • OHS training - experts answer
    • How to train clinic staff (14)
      When resolving doubts regarding the assignment of employees to the appropriate group for periodic training in occupational health and safety, it is necessary to analyze in detail the framework training programs contained in parts III-VIII of Annex 1 to the regulation on training in the field of occupational health and safety, in conjunction with the knowledge about the type and conditions of performing work at this position.
    • When will I become an employee of the health and safety service (conducting initial training) (15)
      An internship in the OHS service can be obtained by being employed in the OHS service. in turn, employment in the OHS service is possible only if the qualification requirements for the OHS service are met. the regulations do not make the acquisition of an internship in the OHS service dependent on the working time or the number of employees employed in the plant.
    • Does a posted worker from another EU country need to be provided with OHS training (16)
      If an employee has been delegated to work in Poland (a Member State of the European Union), then he must be provided with health and safety conditions, including training in the field of health and safety in connection with the requirements of the EU Directive 2018/957 on the posting of employees as part of the provision of services.
    • How to deal with an employee delegated to a new job for 1 day (training, examinations) (17)
      Employing an employee in a different position requires the employer to fulfill, among others, the obligations related to OHS training and preventive medical examinations.
  • Jurisprudence
    • Occupational disease only for a certain period of time after the end of employment (19)
      A disease qualified as an occupational disease must occur within the period specified in the list of occupational diseases and be confirmed by medical examinations.

Aktualności BHP (OSH News) - the whole list