• Forest
    A forest is not only a community of trees - it is also a system of living organisms. Under the roof of needles and leaves, a lot of small and large animals live: unicellulars, insects, amphibians, birds, reptiles and mammals. They are located on different floors of the forest: in the treetops, on trunks, between bushes, in leaves and undergrowth. The present forests are usually made of spruce and pine trees, planted years ago by foresters. Natural, typical for our latitudes was a forest consisting of, among others from hornbeams, oaks, maples, limes and birches, while firs and spruces covered the mountain areas.
  • How is it with forests?
    Forestry, or more specifically logging, has been accused of serious environmental crimes. They are blamed for causing the extinction of a multitude of plant and animal species, for the deforestation of huge areas of the globe, and even for the complete and irreversible destruction of the environment. Most of the inhabitants of urbanized zones are convinced that the felling of trees was the factor that caused far-reaching damage to it. He is not very concerned about the calculations showing how many jobs forest management gives people.
  • For over 20 years, no national park has been established in Poland
    "New National Park? Great, but as far away from us as possible ”- such reactions effectively torpedo the creation or expansion of national parks in Poland. Foresters are also mobilizing against the parks. In a word - the discussion about national parks focuses on their defense against the attempts of business and state administration instead of expanding and establishing new ones.
  • Lumberjacks go to the forest
    Forests occupy more than 25 percent area of Poland. They play a very important role in our ecosystem. They protect, among others against the negative effects of climate change, droughts, floods and heat waves, therefore they should be under special care as our common heritage. But is it so, or are we not interfering with their natural environment too much?
  • Small retention in forests
    Nobody needs to be convinced about the importance of small retention in forests. The problem of the lack of water in the forest, necessary for its proper functioning, is increasing. This is mainly due to ever higher temperatures, periodic shortage of rainfall and increased evaporation. The groundwater level is lowering, which is deadly for most tree species. Wet and marshy habitats dry up, which in turn leads to the disappearance of their characteristic plants. And it should be remembered that forest habitats are one of the richest in Poland in terms of biodiversity.
  • Tailored lessons
    The project "Threats to forest ecosystems - disasters and countermeasures" has been implemented for almost three years. It has an educational goal - to shape the ecological awareness of the society by showing the causes and effects of natural disasters, especially in forest areas. It is implemented by the Forest Research Institute, and the support was provided by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
  • Not so scary a cut
    The forest seen from above often looks like Swiss cheese. Fragments densely covered with tall trees are cut by narrow empty stripes. Here and there we will see round pancakes. There are solitary trees in places and tufts of them elsewhere. This chaos is only apparent. In fact, it is the result of strictly planned actions by foresters.
  • Dąb Fabrykant - Tree of the Year 2022
    This year's edition of the Klub Gaja Tree of the Year competition was won by Dąb Fabrykant from Łódź, receiving 5,559 votes from internet users! This is one of the most original trees in Poland. One of its branches has a s-shaped shape and a length of over 20 meters, which makes an amazing impression on passers-by.
  • High-speed roads and environmental protection
    Not so long ago, about 20 years ago, there were just over 500 km of expressways in Poland. At present, we have nearly 5,000 of them. km, and ultimately it is to be 8. They form a quite large network on the map of Poland, enabling quick access to every region of our country.
  • Wild plants as a hope for mankind
    Wild plant species are of key importance in medicine. The production of drugs is based entirely on substances present in the body, including plants. A small percentage of plants are used today for medicinal purposes. Despite the fact that every tenth species of flora has valuable properties. One of the plants that made a remarkable career in medicine and saved the lives and health of many people is the Madagascar pink periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus). About 90% of the original vegetation has died out in Madagascar, many of the extinct species could certainly be a source of valuable healing substances. Similarly, tropical forests or coral reefs, which are the habitat of many valuable plant species, are being destroyed at an alarming rate.
  • NANOBOOSTEX will replace artificial fertilizers
    Innovative and groundbreaking NanoboosteX - nanopowder, is based on nanomaterials that stimulate plant growth, significantly accelerate their germination and regeneration, improve vitality, play an important role in increasing the quality and quantity of the crop per unit area. It is a biodegradable and environmentally friendly agent, a very small addition is enough, dosed once to obtain high quality and yield.
  • Heat pumps will help in a crisis
    There are three types of heat pumps - air, ground horizontal and vertical. The latter must be dug into the ground even up to a hundred meters. The second has one big drawback. A large area of valuable land is needed underneath it. The most optimal of the three is the air source heat pump. Moreover, it also has the advantage that it is the cheapest to install. They look like a slightly larger outdoor unit for popular air conditioners.

AURA Ochrona Środowiska (AURA Environmental Protection) - the whole list