• In the Parliament: Members positive positive about the implementation of the budget of the National Labor Inspectorate (3)
  • News not only from Poland (4)
    • Debate on the institutions of social dialogue
    • A seminar on safety in vertical transport
    • At a conference on employee capital plans
  • Burden of proof. Values of declarations of intent when terminating employment contracts (8)
    Due to specific legal relationships, which are employment relationships, the jurisprudence has developed exceptional rules concerning the application of the provisions on defects in declarations of will.
  • On guard of the future retirement. Employee equity plans - tasks of the State Labor Inspectorate (12)
    Employee equity plans (called PPK) were created for the regular collection of savings by the participant with the PPK intended use for the payment by him after reaching at least 60 years of age. The Act on PPK entered into force on January 1, 2019.
  • To secure future benefits. Preliminary employment contract (part 1) (16)
    This article is an attempt to present the institution of a preliminary contract as an agreement securing the rights to conclude an employment contract (final agreement) with a future employer, as well as concluding civil law contracts in the scope of employment.
  • Let's protect our health in hot weather! (24)
    In view of the occurring heat waves, employers should remember to respect workers 'right to safe and healthy working conditions and to take the necessary measures to mitigate the effects of workers' exposure to high temperatures.
  • Strengthening cooperation with the Central Institute for Labor Protection - National Research Institute (25)
    Chief Labor Inspector, on June 10, 2021, took part in the opening of the post-competition exhibition and the awarding of prizes to the winners of the XXX edition of the competition for work safety at the headquarters of the Central Institute for Labor Protection - National Institute Research in Warsaw.
  • At the opening of the poster exhibition (26)
  • A means to an end. Documenting the occupational risk assessment (part 1) (29)
    It is not only about formally checking whether a document called "Occupational risk assessment" has been prepared, not even checking whether it contains the elements specified in § 39a of the general health and safety regulations, but checking whether it complies with he has the goals set before him, th. It informs employees about the occupational risks associated with the work performed and the principles of protection against threats.
  • Low risk foundries. Occupational health and safety in metal foundries in the light of inspections by labor inspectors (32)
    Increased awareness of employers, managers and employees in the field of occupational health and safety and the replacement of machinery with modern machinery are the main reasons for the decline in the number of accidents at work in the foundry industry.
  • Accident prevention of the 21st century. Activating work participants to participate in the process of improving safety at work (37)
    The suffering of the injured and their families are not the only effects of accidents. A significant part of the costs of accidents at work is also borne by employers. For enterprises, an accident results, among other things, in: increased sickness absenteeism, payment of compensation, lower productivity and quality of work, and indirectly causes disturbances in the production process and adversely affects the company's image. Therefore, not only moral issues and labor law provisions, but also the financial account speak to employers in favor of accident prevention.
  • Youth in Białystok know their rights best at work (42)
  • It is worth teaching young people labor law (44)
    An interview with Aneta Nartowicz, a teacher from Zespół Szkół Handlowo-Ekonomicznych im. Nicholas Copernicus in Białystok, where students for many years have been winning laurels in the National Labor Inspectorate's competition "Know your rights at work".
  • Final of the competition for students. On labor law, health and safety at work and the activities of the National Labor Inspectorate, and on the history of the Silesian Uprisings (45)
  • Safe in the countryside through the eyes of children (46)
  • The Chief Labor Inspector's appeal to farmers (47)

Inspektor Pracy (Labor Inspector) magazine - the whole list