- In the Parliament of the Republic of Poland: Chief Labor Inspector presented the National Labor Inspectorate's action program (3)
At the meeting on December 14, 2021, the Parliamentary Committee for State Control adopted the Chief Labor Inspector's information on the National Labor Inspectorate's action program for 2022 and for the years 2022-2024.
- News not only from Poland (4)
- Updating the SLIC Action Plan
- Health and safety service competition
- Social dialogue about the Green Ship
- About market surveillance activities
- In search of a labor protection model
- IMI for posting drivers
- Appointment of new members of the Social Dialogue Council
- Webinariuim against human trafficking
- Slaves of the 21st century. Trafficking in human beings during the COVID-19 pandemic (6)
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic created ideal conditions for the development of trafficking in human beings in Europe and around the world. The main trend that emerged during the pandemic is online recruitment.
- Inspector's word. Conclusions from the control of the legality of employment in the years 2007-2021 (10)
It has been 14 years since the National Labor Inspectorate has been carrying out tasks related to the legality of employment of both Polish citizens and foreigners. This is a sufficient period to make a few observations and remarks on the subject of the control of the legality of employment, the manner of their conduct and, most of all, their effectiveness, which should be the most important issue for the controlling authority.
- A job is a job. Atypical forms of employment (part 1) (13)
More and more often, employers, more precisely - those entrusting work, look for solutions that are more flexible, less formalized, and at the same time requiring the performance of duties at least analogous to those required of employees. The economic realities and the demand for working people in the 21st century meant that employers began to use civil law contracts in employment relations to a greater extent.
- Rewards and satisfaction. Summary of PEP's preventive activities in 2021 (18)
- Summary of the activities of the PIPs. Awards for winners of competitions, satisfaction for inspection staff (20)
The National Labor Inspectorate creates new, friendly forms of influencing the development of a safety culture in Polish companies, mainly consisting in preventive and promotional activities. The end of the year is a time of prizes for entrepreneurs covered by these activities, and for inspection employees a time of summaries of subsequent editions of competitions, programs and campaigns.
- Where wood is chopping. Analysis of accidents in forestry in 2019-2020 (24)
Human causes dominated among the causes of accidents at work in forestry in 2019-2020. These are the conclusions drawn from the data on accidents reported and investigated by the National Labor Inspectorate.
- The pursuit of excellence. "Safe Farm" competition (30)
The winners of the provincial stage of the "Safe Farm" competition and the winners of the Chief Labor Inspector's special award admit that, while improving the safety and comfort of work on their farm, the tips received from the representatives of the National Labor Inspectorate turned out to be very valuable.
- Mikołajki with the National Labor Inspectorate (33)
- Happiness smiles twice. A series of accidents at work involving gases (34)
Inspektor Pracy (Labor Inspector) magazine - the whole list