Category: W Akcji
Hits: 4116

Vacation time, pandemic time, political election time - all these important things do not change one thing: the need for high-quality rescue. Therefore, the reader will surely look at the magazine's pages with interest, where he can read about accidents with a large number of victims or about safety systems in vehicles. The articles will provide an injection of knowledge at a time when society is traveling extensively and benefits from the holiday weather, tired of the restrictions resulting from the threats of coronavirus. It will also be useful to refresh your knowledge on managing incidents. The difficult art of command undoubtedly requires constant improvement and return to the topic. Thanks to proven, long-term authors, we will once again receive a dose of useful knowledge in the field of equipment. We encourage you to read articles about firefighting vehicles outside our country, as well as about fire extinguishers. Among the important considerations, we can also find some information on the basic level rescue equipment for heights. Keeping in mind that a good rescuer also cares for himself, let's spend a moment reading about stress. We also highly recommend the article devoted to photovoltaics, in which the author introduces the readers to the results of foreign research, allowing for answers to a few questions about the safety of actions directly imposed by rescue practice.

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