• Hazardous substances for which NDS has not been determined - how to include them in occupational risk assessment (1-2)
    Established NDS levels for chemical substances concern about 500 substances, with the number of tens of thousands used in industry or other areas of life. How, then, should hazardous substances be included in the occupational risk assessment for which NDS has not been determined? Is it possible to calculate exposure to a substance from the substance safety data sheet? Check the details.
  • How to set up new registers of harmful factors (3)
    Should old records be included as an attachment to new ones? What dates of registry creation should you enter? How can this theme be best understood in order for everything to be in compliance with the law? Is the OSH employee also responsible for the old registers of the predecessor? How to enter data such as: total number of employees in workplaces or the number of employees in conditions of exceeding the admissible values ​​(women, young people working on night shifts), when the number in the company is dynamically changing from day to day (stopping positions, then starting again after 1 month)?
  • How to check if an employee is under the influence of drugs (4)
    What is the ability to check the status of a person for the presence of drugs? Is it possible to remove an employee from work only on the basis of a suspicion of taking intoxicating substances, if these suspicions are caused by the employee's behavior: facial expressions, excessive sweating, mobility, etc.? Strange behavior of the employee usually follows the breakfast break, until the behavior of the person is completely different than before the break.

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